How Currence is Changing the Way We Build Wealth

If you set a financial goal this year, I'd like to share a tool that significantly impacted my clients in 2024. I introduced Currence to some of my clients last January, and the results are astonishing. Over 95% of my Currence users are saving significantly more than before. In some cases, clients who were previously spending more than they earned are now saving money on a monthly basis.

If you weren't one of the clients I invited to use Currence in 2024, I encourage you to read on. This could be the most important email you read all year-my Currence users would likely agree.

I will get into what Currence is in just a moment but after hearing the founder of Currence speak at an event and then learning from a colleague how Currence was changing his clients' lives, I decided I needed to consider this tool for our own practice.

What is Currence? 

Currence is a cash flow mapping software that changes how money enters our lives. Typically, when money enters our primary checking account, we spend it. Saving requires a conscious effort to transfer money into a savings account, and even then, money saved often ends up back in our checking account to be spent. This is one of the reasons why most people never improve their financial situation. With the average American saving just 2-3% of their income, it’s no wonder why so many families are struggling financially. I don’t think of this as a “savings problem” anymore—this is a “flow of funds” problem and it can easily be solved. 

A lack of savings is the result. The lack of structure is the problem. 

If you're serious about saving and investing more this year, I encourage you to consider being openminded with how you operate your family economy. I often ask clients, "What would life look like if you were less dependent on your primary income source(s)?" Putting yourself in a great financial situation is oftentimes less about the rate of return you make on your investments and more about how much you can invest. Save more, invest more.  

Here is some actual client feedback from 2024:

  • "Mike, it's been 5 months since we started using Currence, and we've saved over $30,000. I've never saved that much in an entire year, and it's been just 5 months. We are forever grateful!"

  • "Wow, I still have a lot of work to do, but now I'm automatically saving every month, and now I can plan for the future. Thank you for making money fun again!"

  • "I've never saved this much. Ever. I feel like I have control again."

And my favorite:

  • "My relationship with my husband is stronger now because we don't seem to argue over money anymore. Thank you for helping us in this area."

As someone who values efficiency, I believe this is something you should consider for 2025. Implementing a cash flow structure in your life will streamline your finances without requiring a budget (because we all know at this point that budgeting doesn’t work long term).  

Implementing Currence will alter the trajectory of the rest of your life.

If you want to build wealth more consistently, reach out and we can discuss this further. This is your year, and you deserve it. Take a look at the screenshot below to see the progress one of our Currence users has made.


Mike Bargetto


Inspiring Conversations with Mike Bargetto of Axiom Wealth