Meet Katie Bargetto
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We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Katie Bargetto. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Katie below.
Hi Katie, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
It took me about ten years in various roles of corporate America to find my purpose. I started my young adult life doing what most of us are taught to do…get a job out of college and work your way up the corporate ladder. When I started my first job at Boeing fresh out of college, what I noticed was that everyone was constantly looking for that next promotion (myself included)…we all wanted more responsibilities, a higher salary, all the things. At first it was fun. But after a few years I started analyzing the lives of top leadership. They were the ones sitting at the top of the ladder we were all climbing so it made sense to see what life could look like if I made it to the top. What I realized was that I wasn’t envious of their lives. The top leaders were of course brilliant, kind, wonderful human beings, but I wasn’t envious of them. I wasn’t envious that they had to work late into the evenings, or that they had to leave their family and travel at a moment’s notice, or that most of their time was spent at their job rather than on spending precious moments with their kids, pursuing hobbies, or generally just enjoying a relaxed and fulfilling life. So if I didn’t want to strive to live a life like theirs, what was I doing? What was my purpose? Was I climbing the corporate ladder just to climb it?
Around that same time my husband Mike brought up what felt like a crazy, risky idea. He said, “let’s get into real estate investing!”. That one idea put in motion an entirely new mindset for us. We dove into learning about the financial strategies that the wealthy utilize. What we found was that the wealthy were using financial strategies that are not common in mainstream society. When we learned and implemented these strategies, our entire trajectory shifted and in a few short years we made our first million, left our corporate jobs, and gained full control of how we spend our time.
Once our lives were transformed for the better, I knew this was something I wanted to share with others. That was when I found my purpose. We left our corporate jobs and launched Axiom Wealth Solutions. Our personal mission is to live an intentionally awesome life. Our mission at Axiom is to help others live the most abundant life possible by teaching them strategies that can accelerate their path to financial freedom.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about your business?
Right now I am 100% focused on my business and sharing our message. At Axiom Wealth Solutions we help our clients accelerate their path to financial freedom in less than a decade so that they can build and live the life of their dreams.
Our client process is a modern path for people who are tired of the typical financial advice which we wholeheartedly believe is robbing people of their most sacred resource …their time. Ultimately, what most people want is more control of how they spend their time. They wish they could wake up each day and have the ability to choose which projects to work on, and how to create a more fulfilling day for themselves by doing things they love. Instead, most people are forced to work extra hours in a job they may not particularly love, just to prove their dedication in order to reach the next promotion or salary bump. Ultimately, most people are stuck in the rat race for decades, only to find out in retirement that even then they aren’t able to live the life they had envisioned. Our proprietary process helps people break free from the cycle of endless work and creates meaningful progress toward a life of greater independence and fulfillment.
This is what makes coming into my office every day so exciting. The tools and strategies we share at Axiom have the power to completely transform lives, relationships, families, and generations. There is nothing else I’d rather be doing right now than sharing the message that Axiom Wealth has to offer.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Three important qualities that were most impactful for me on my journey are curiosity, boldness, and simplicity. Curiosity was really the catalyst for my journey. Being curious is how you become open minded. It is what prompted me to want to observe and analyze the top leadership in corporate America. Then later what prompted me to learn about uncommon strategies to building wealth and achieving financial freedom. Next quality was boldness. Curiosity opened my mind, but boldness is what prompted me to take action. Learning about and then wanting to pursue an uncommon path meant that I needed to be bold enough to not follow the herd or the typical financial advice I grew up hearing. Lastly, simplicity. I believe simplicity is a quality that leads to an overall happier and more relaxed life. As a society I think we tend to overcomplicate almost everything. We think we need more stuff, the next level, the next thing in order for us to be happier. But if you force yourself to keep things simple, it allows you to focus on what matters and keeps your life uncluttered. Hans Hofmann’s quote says it perfectly, “the ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
These are three qualities that can be developed with small actions each day. Curiosity can be developed by simply challenging your own beliefs and digging deeper into topics you might question. Boldness can be developed by doing one uncomfortable thing as often as possible. That can be as simple as initiating a conversation with a stranger. And simplicity can be developed with constant pause and reflection on your purchases, thoughts, and actions. Next time you want to hit ‘buy’ on that next material purchase, take a moment to really consider if you need it. Or next time you want to shove an unused item to the back of your closet, take a minute to consider if getting rid of it altogether is the best action. Getting rid of the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak is a lifelong ritual that can be quite enjoyable if you let it.
Tell us what your ideal client would be like?
Our ideal client is someone who feels like there must be a better path to building wealth. One of our clients said it perfectly in her testimonial…
“…My husband and I are in our mid-thirties and felt frustrated with the conventional ways of managing our money and retirement planning. We had been contributing to our 401(k) plans for over a decade, and we were not excited about the prospect of working in our corporate jobs for the next 30 years to achieve a mediocre retirement. We were lucky enough to find Axiom Wealth and work with Mike and Katie in 2020.
Mike and Katie changed our entire mindset around wealth management and helped us see that we can leverage unique tools to achieve goals that we previously thought were unattainable. We realized that time is the most important asset for us, and needed a strategy that would allow us to enjoy our family while also enjoying the freedom that comes with a customized financial strategy. Wealth accumulation is definitely a long-term game, but in two years we have seen our financial health completely transform. We have accomplished goals in the last two years that previously were just “someday” dreams without a plan—we now own multiple rental properties and are leveraging our whole life policies to be our own “bank,” which is incredibly liberating and has opened so many doors.
The whole process brought my husband and I even closer together—it truly is about so much more than money! We were able to create our goals for the future together and have the confidence that we will be able to achieve them and leave a strong legacy behind for our children one day…”
This is the type of client we love to work with! Someone who is open minded and ready to learn about tools and strategies which may not follow the typical path. In addition to being open minded, our ideal clients also need to be good stewards of their money. Someone who is constantly racking up consumer debt and can’t manage to live within their means is not an ideal client for us because the tools and strategies we utilize personally and recommend to our clients take a level of discipline and financial literacy in order to be successful. And finally, our ideal client has dreams and aspirations to live a big, beautiful life. We love working with clients who are excited about the possibilities of the future and can’t wait to design and live their dream life.
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